Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II
Title: I Wish I Hadn't Done That
Main Scripture: Judges 2:2
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Speaker: Ellis Stanley, Sr.
Title: I Wish I Hadn't Done That
Main Scripture: Judges 2:2
Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II
Text: Why I Am A Member of the church of Christ
Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II
Lesson Six: Issac, Son of Promise
Text: Genesis 15:1-18:15; 20:1-22:24
Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II
Topic: The Soul & Spirit Of A Man
Main Scripture: 1 Corinthian 15:45
For access to our discussion questions please visit us here:
For our Weekly Bible Studies you can also join our discussion LIVE…
Speaker: Ellis Stanley, Sr
Sermon Title: The Soul & Spirit of a Man
Main Scripture: 1 Corinthian 15:45
Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II
Text: Why I Am A Member of the church of Christ
Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II
Lesson Six: Issac, Son of Promise
Text: Genesis 15:1-18:15; 20:1-22:24
Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II
When God's "Good" Keep Us From God's "Great"
Main Scripture: John 14:12
Speaker: Ellis Stanley, Sr.
Title: When God's "Good" Keep Us From God's "Great"
Main Scripture: John 14:12