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“Are You A Spiritual Thinker?” Bible Study- Nov 5, 2014

Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II Title: Are You A Spiritual Thinker? Main Scripture: Hebrews 5:14 For access to our discussion questions please visit us here: For our Weekly Bible Studies you can also join our discussion LIVE by signing into…

Sunday Morning Worship Service- Nov 2, 2014

Speaker: Ellis Stanley, Sr Title: Are You A Spiritual Thinker? Main Scripture: Hebrews 5:14 Come be apart of our weekly Worship Services LIVE from any mobile device, tablet, or your computer! You'll be able to see and hear…

Survey of the Bible Class Lesson Six- Nov 2, 2014

Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II Lesson Six: Issac, Son of Promise Text: Genesis 15:1-18:15; 20:1-22:24 Come be apart of our weekly Worship Services & Bible Studies LIVE from any mobile device, tablet, or your computer! You'll be able to…

Is Your Mind on the Master’s Plan?

Title: Is Your Mind on the Master’s Plan? Main Scripture: Nehemiah 4:1-6 But it so happened, when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, that he was furious and very indignant, and mocked the Jews. 2…

Sunday Morning Worship Service- Oct 26, 2014

Speaker: Jonathan Charley Title: Is Your Mind On The Master’s Plan? Main Scripture: Nehemiah 4:1-6 Come be apart of our weekly Worship Services LIVE from any mobile device, tablet, or your computer! You'll be able to see and…

“Something Worth Fighting For” Bible Study- Oct 22, 2014

Teacher: Ellis Stanley, II Title: Something Worth Fighting For Main Scripture: Revelation 21:1-8 For access to our discussion questions please visit us here: For our Weekly Bible Studies you can also join our discussion LIVE by signing into your…